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My Pilates Gym Blog

Desrae's Story

More Confidence, Energy, and Clarity Through Pilates!

I have been at My Pilates Gym for the past 4 years, Sharon’s classical approach to Pilates has introduced me to a method of exercise that has helped me to heal after major surgery and shift old trauma that was stored and stuck in my body from past injuries.

Sharon has created a culture and environment that is inviting, fun and non-judgemental and she and her team have helped me to reconnect to my body in a healthy, positive way that makes me feel good about myself and how my body is developing through Pilates. As a result I have more confidence, energy, and clarity in other areas of life. 

I am now at a place where I feel confident and strong enough to join the MPG teachers training programme, where I can challenge myself and continue to develop and connect with my body and self.


MPG has been a fundamental part for me in creating a health and wellness routine that suits my age (50). I would highly recommend MPG to anyone who is looking for an exercise program to improve their health and wellness.

Leah's Story

Regular Pilates Practice = Daily Physical Wellbeing

Since I no longer had a regular fitness instructor, I kept injuring myself and ending up with daily headaches.  I started doing Pilates as I found as I get older it gets more difficult to maintain general fitness and manage my scoliosis. I'm not a big fan of the atmosphere in normal gyms and I'd always been interested in Pilates so I thought I'd give it a try.


The daily headaches are now gone. I can see and feel physical changes in my body. I feel stronger and have a much greater awareness of my physical habits even when I'm working on my computer, driving or watching TV. Physically I feel more toned and since I've worked my way up to doing a Pilates session five (sometimes six times) a week, I've found that the focus of a daily practice is really good for my mental, as well as, physical wellbeing.


I like that you can book repeat private classes with a specific instructor because that means you're able to have an ongoing one-on-one relationship with someone who knows the specific areas that you need to work on. Working with a specific instructor also means that they can create a program that is tailored for your individual needs and that develops as you get stronger, as you're ready for more challenges and as you develop your capacity to take on more information.


The instructors are also available whenever you're working in the gym on your own program. So that means that there's always someone to ask for help and to bring different perspectives to your program. They're all super encouraging, very precise and detail oriented.

Kristie's Story

Gaining strength & control through dedication & focus!

I joined MPG when my friend Meagan asked me to go with her and said I would love it. She was right! I immediately felt like I had found “my place” when I saw the beautiful studios and met Sharon.


I love the variety of the classes and have tried them all. We are so spoilt for choice with the all the different options.


I was really excited about starting my membership in My Pilates Gym but, before I had the chance to start, I fractured my ankle in three places while out walking!


After surgery and recovery, my one-on-ones with Sharon were so beneficial to gaining range of movement and strength back, as well as looking after the rest of my body. I truly believe I have recovered so well (pain-free and very few limitations) due to the work she did with me.


I am so thrilled with the strength and control I have gained through the dedicated and focused practice of the work that is targeted to my body’s needs and abilities.


I still enjoy doing classes as well as the Gym. I adore doing DanceFit and Fit Barre with Emilie – she is a ray of beautiful sunshine!


MPG is filled with amazing instructors and clients – I always leave feeling energised after having a great work out and a lot of laughs. It is a totally non-judgemental environment where the focus is on individual improvement.


Brian's Story

Jumping into group classes and hitting the 34!

I started Pilates to keep my body flexible as I am no longer a full time tradesman and need movement to keep my body in good condition.


I started doing just Reformer classes at Mandurah Movement Therapy but I soon realised there are many more options – I now do more Mat classes and the team do say Mat is where it’s at! But I reckon a combination of Mat and Reformer is the best way to go.


I really love the Mat34 classes which I find very challenging but so much fun – the regulars are a great crowd and we have a lot of laughs! I recently completed 34 Mat34 classes and was presented  with an ‘I Hit 34’ t-shirt by the team – thanks MPG!


I really enjoy the non-competitive atmosphere at MPG and find the instructors to  be warm, friendly and very professional. The benefits I’ve experienced are an increase in overall body strength and fitness. I would recommend Pilates to everyone, regardless of age, to come along to maintain their body through a low  impact, but challenging, style of exercise


Ann's Story

Anything is possible with Pilates!

I walked into My Pilates Gym over a year ago with some trepidation to do a Mat class. I am in my mid-60s and have had a back  injury. I lacked confidence, was anxious I would hurt myself  and concerned I would be embarrassed. How wrong was I!


My first coach was Hayley – at the end of the session I felt exhilarated and surprised about what I had been able to do with Hayley’s help. I then met Sharon. What Sharon has been able to do for me is  amazing -  she has tailored a program specifically for me that has allowed me to develop and grow. Like Sharon says ‘there is something in Pilates for everyone’. I have one-on-one sessions with Sharon, I practice in My Pilates Gym (with eagle eye Sharon watching and prompting) and attend classes.


One year on I cannot believe how different my body feels. I am stronger, more  flexible and my posture has improved – I walk and sit taller. All of the coaches at MPG are supportive and, very importantly, consistent in how they explain and instruct. I have also met some fantastic MPG members who are FUN as well as encouraging. Neither age, nor lack of ability should stop you from trying Pilates – with Sharon and the MMT team anything is possible! Thank you Sharon and the MPG team.


Sharon's Story

Overcoming pain and finding flexibility

I remember the day I met Shaz [MPG's owner] at MPG, in tears and not being able to do the simplest of things, either at work or socially without extreme pain. Six cortisone injections did nothing for me!


My first “wall roll down” was the funniest...a plank movement more than anything! But now, thanks to Pilates, I am pain free for the first time in many years, am able to work a full week without having to watch what I do, can drive 5 hours without arriving and not being able to walk!


I am so happy with where I'm at now, I can put my forehead on my knees and my palms on the ground for the first time...ever I think!


To say that I'm happy would be an understatement. My movement is far from perfect but 1000% improvement from where I was 18 months ago. Thanks Shaz and have made the world of difference to my life!


Tracey's Story

If you're serious about Pilates MPG is where it's at!

Pilates was something that I had thought about for a while but never actively looked into. When MPG opened I finally took the plunge and haven’t looked back. I wasn’t a gym goer and hadn’t participated in group classes in many years so I felt a little bit like a fish out of water - but Sharon and her amazing team made me feel so welcome.


I began my Pilates journey attending group Reformer and Matwork classes but I can honestly say that it wasn’t until I started practicing in My Pilates Gym that I truly felt I was getting the most out of my work.


Aside from seeing my awesome girl gang each morning, I love coming into the studio to follow a program created just for me, where I can take the time to learn and articulate the exercises at my own pace as well as using the equipment to target specific areas unique to my body.


My studio practice also helps me to work more effectively in class work as well. Sharon’s repertoire of exercises astounds me and, in my opinion, what she doesn’t know about Pilates and anatomy, isn’t worth knowing – actually I wonder if there is anything about Pilates she doesn’t know?


What benefits have I seen in my own body? I’m stronger, more flexible, definitely more toned, my posture has improved and I’ve grown an inch!!


I love the friendly banter and how supportive everyone is, celebrating each other’s achievements no matter how experienced, or how great or small the victory. If you are serious about Pilates, MPG is where it’s at!!


If you'd like to discover Pilates in YOUR body and experience the amazing benefits, then check out what we offer - from group classes to private sessions to our unique My Pilates Gym.

Contact us if you have any questions!

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