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About Us

Our Team



Owner and Principal Instructor

Sharon’s Pilates journey began quite unconsciously as a part of her dance training [in a previous life she was a dancer :) ]  Sharon had never concentrated on the intricacies of this amazing method until later in her career when she completed her Diploma in Professional Pilates Instruction. She then began training with international instructors and studying, in great detail, the “Classical” or “Original” method as delivered by Joe Pilates.


Sharon spent 2 years mentoring with  2nd generation instructor, Wade Edwell, successfully completing the Immersive Coaching Program. Sharon says, “Wade is a huge influence in the way that MMT has developed. We have a very clear line of sight to the way that Joe Pilates delivered his work and feel completely centered 'in the lane of CONTROLOGY'.” Sharon is qualified as a 3rd generation Instructor of the Pilates Method. 


Sharon is dedicated to what was first called “Contrology”, now known as Pilates, and she continues to be mentored by international instructors on a weekly basis. She is a firm believer in the ever-learning journey of “The Method” of Pilates and that you have to put it in your body to benefit.

The MMT Teacher Training Program benefits from the years of training and learning that Sharon has and continues to complete.Committed to passing her learnings on to her own team and a new generation of qualified instructors, Sharon wholeheartedly embraces the approach that Jay Grimes, 1st generation instructor, has in his delivery of “The Method”. Sharon truly believes in Jay’s mantra: “You don’t teach someone Pilates, you help them discover it in their body”.



Senior Instructor

Hayley started at MMT while indulging deeper into her passion for Pilates. She developed her Pilates knowledge from early in her career while attending training through the Art of Motion and has built on this through her time working as a PT and an instructor in aerobics and spin, as well as many other Les Mills programs. While living overseas, Hayley also took up marathon running and competed in several countries. She believes Pilates benefits running greatly and recommends practising Pilates to anyone that wants to see the gains in other sports.


Hayley says Pilates has become her love, is excited to continue her journey with MMT and says she feels lucky to have Sharon, MMT’s owner, as her leader, mentor and friend. Hayley is also coached by Wade Edwell of Proper Pilates (the only leader working in Australasia to have graduated from "The Work", a contrology mastery program led by Pilates Elder Jay Grimes). She has also been coached by Gloria Gasperi of Glo Pilates e-motion. Hayley is a qualified Pilates instructor through the Pilates Fitness Institute and is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Training Program.



Senior Instructor

Michael has been practising Pilates since 2012 but he feels he only truly discovered the method when he started at MMT in 2018. He believes consistent Pilates practise leads to significant total body benefits. Michael is a runner and has completed 10 marathons, with his proudest achievement being the New York City Marathon in 2019. He is an advocate for the Pilates practise providing overall improvements to other sporting activities and believes athletes can gain many benefits in practising Pilates.


As well as continuous coaching and mentoring by Sharon, MPG’s owner, Michael is regularly coached by popular Pilates practitioner Mariano Dolagaray of L'Arte Pilates . He has previously been coached by internationally acclaimed Pilates practitioner Miguel Silva of Uno Pilates and by Wade Edwell of Proper Pilates (the only leader working in Australasia to have graduated from "The Work", a contrology mastery program led by Pilates Elder Jay Grimes).


Michael is qualified as a 3rd generation Instructor of the Pilates Method since completing a two-year Pilates immersive coaching program in November 2023. He graduated from the My Pilates Gym Training Program in 2020. Michael is a Senior Instructor in the MY PILATES GYM and continues to pass on his knowledge to the clients of MPG, and assists in the mentoring process of new instructors into the gym.



Senior Instructor

As a bachelor of science graduate, Sarah has always been interested in all aspects of health and is fascinated with the human body and what it can achieve. She found her true place and passion when she started practising Pilates and is now obsessed - in the best way possible! Pilates has helped Sarah to overcome issues with neck, back and knee pain but most importantly Sarah says she loves the feeling she gets when walking out of the studio after a session of working on all of her body connections. She loves being able to assist clients with finding this feeling in their bodies as well, either in group classes or through private sessions in My Pilates Gym with her regular clients. Sarah has completed her Matwork, Reformer and small apparatus certifications through the Pilates Fitness Institute and is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Training Program.



Associate Instructor

Emilie has always had an interest in Pilates and has found a new passion for the practise in recent years after spending some time travelling as a dancer. Following her return to Australia she re-united with MPG owner, Sharon, who had been Emilie’s teacher in a previous life. She then commenced training to become a Pilates instructor. Emilie feels the practise has enabled her to combine her love of dance, health and fitness and says Pilates felt like the right next step for her. She loves helping people feel their best and have fun at the same time. Emilie is also professional dancer and has been dancing since the age of 12 and started teaching dance at the age of 15, gaining her Certificate IV. In recent years Emilie completed a 6 month dance contract in India where she danced in Bollywood movies with some of India’s biggest Bollywood stars. She is continuing to teach dance as well as Pilates at MPG. Emilie is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Training Program.



Senior Instructor

Olga has been involved in sports and fitness her whole life. She has been particularly involved in swimming, athletics and other team sports and participated in competitions at all levels. Olga has been practising Pilates since 2017 and she says the method has won her love forever. Olga particularly likes the visual results gained from regular and consistent workouts either for herself or helping clients find this in their bodies. She believes Pilates is not only about fitness, but that it’s a real philosophy of creating a healthy body and mind connection. Olga is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Training Program.



Associate Instructor

Nicky started as a client at MPG in 2021, hoping that Pilates would help her avoid back and neck surgery. Within 6 months she was off pain medication and became a devout advocate for Pilates and its amazing benefits. She therefore quickly took up the opportunity of training with Sharon, MPG's owner, to become an instructor. Nicky says she sees Pilates as a way of life now to maintain her health and well-being, something she aims to help her clients to experience. Nicky’s previous life as a registered nurse for 40 years, working in a wide variety of health settings in general and mental health nursing, management and leadership roles, has given her broad experience in health, wellness and understanding people’s bodies. She has always been a keen participant in exercise, particularly in the last decade through road biking, taking part in many sponsored rides for various charities. Nicky is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Matwork Training Program.



Associate Instructor

Jaimie has always had a strong passion for movement, fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle. Jaimie took her first Pilates class in 2019 and has continued ever since. She loves how much it challenges her strength, balance and coordination.  Jaimie loves seeing the positive change Pilates brings to people’s daily lives. She is a mum to three active kids and once upon a time was a veterinary nurse.

Jaimie is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Matwork Training Program.



Associate Instructor

Kristie has always held an interest in fitness and found Pilates in 2019 when she started at MPG. She quickly saw the benefits that regular practice could bring to her work in the performing arts as a way to build and maintain her strength, flexibility and overall health and wellbeing.  Pilates saw Kristie through her rehabilitation from a broken ankle and has enabled her to continue her profession as a high school dance teacher, as well as regularly perform in local musical theatre productions. She believes that everyone should include regular Pilates in their daily routine as a way to promote optimal health and wellbeing and is passionate about sharing her love of Pilates with her clients. Kristie has been involved in the performing arts since a young age and is a trained singer, dancer and actor. She is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Matwork Training Program.



Associate Instructor

From 2007 Alisha has always turned to Pilates to help rehabilitate and strengthen her body after illness and injuries. It wasn’t until recently when she dove head first into the world of Pilates after major surgery on her back that often the thought “why did I not do this sooner?” pops into her head! In her spare time Alisha is a mother, loves surfing, ocean swimming and doing anything in the outdoors as well as working as a Paramedic. Alisha is a graduate of the My Pilates Gym Matwork Training Program.




Jordie is My Pilates Gym's receptionist and welcomes all of our amazing clients with a smile.

Jordie joined MPG in 2023.

My Pilates Gym


What is My Pilates Gym?

The  gym is the heart of our studio and it's where the full method of Pilates is applied through various Pilates equipment to maximise your strength and length in your Pilates practise. Through a series of Private sessions a program specific to your body will be learned and practised. 

What is Gym practise?

This is when you come in and practise your program specifically for your body. There will be instructors in the gym to guide you here and there but this is your time to put the work in your body and is not a private session. See more information about The Gym and our other options. The Gym is the heart of our studio - it's where the work is done. We're open from 6am to 6pm during weekdays and 6am to 11am on Saturdays. On a Gym membership you have unlimited access to the Gym, so you can come in whenever you want, six days a week!

Why must I do an Intro to gym 4 pack?

This is for an initial assessment of your body's requirements, for you to learn the program for your body. To understand the apparatus that you will be working with and to be inducted into the gym space.

What happens in my regular private session?

The practise of Pilates will change your body, therefore your program also needs to be added, extended, altered. To have a set of trained eyes on you while you work IS the work. To align you, to help you find the right apparatus for your body’s current needs.

What is a Semi Private all about?

A semi private session is a small group (3 clients) that work through a program together under the instruction of the teacher on the My Pilates Gym Tower apparatus. It is more tailored than a full group class and makes use of the amazing gym equipment. See more details about this and other options.

Isn’t the Gym for injured people?

The Gym is for everyone!!! From athletes wanting to challenge their bodies to rehabilitation after an injury to care after some time away from exercise or for first timers!! It is FOR EVERYONE. We have members who are runners, cyclist, surfers and dancers and who all attest to Pilates taking their other activities to a different level.

Do I have to be a member to buy gym sessions?

No, a membership is not required to attend private or semi private sessions.

You WILL  need to be a member for access to the gym to do your own practise, where there is casual supervision by our instructors. Have a look at the membership option that's right for you.

Is my membership a lock in contract?

If you sign up for a gym membership you need to commit to 6 months. It's during this period that you will see how the work changes your body.

Matwork | Reformer | Tower | Electric Chair | Wunda Chair 
Cadillac | Arm Chair | Pedi-Pole | Ladder Barrel 

Spine Corrector | Small Barrels | Guillotine | Swedish Bars

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